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Maximusquadrillion is equal to \(10^{10^{15}}\), or 1 followed by 1,000,000,000,000,000 zeroes. The term was coined by Yottatron as a continuation to Maximusmillion, Maximusbillion, and Maximustrillion.[1] It is equal to 1 followed by 1 quadrillion zeros using the short scale definition of quadrillion. It is 1015+1 digits long.

Writing down the full decimal expansion would take 1,000,000,000 books of 400 pages each, with 2,500 digits on each page (except for the first, which would have 2,501).

Names in -illion systems[]

In Conway-Wechsler system,[2] maximusquadrillion is expressed in short scale as follows by using Fish's result.[3]

ten (4 times trestrigintatrecentilli)duotrigintatrecentillion

Full expansion is

ten trestrigintatrecentillitrestrigintatrecentillitrestrigintatrecentillitrestrigintatrecentilliduotrigintatrecentillion

According to Landon Curt Noll's The English name of a number, maximusquadrillion is also known as:

ten trecentretriginmilliamilliamilliamilliatrecentretriginmilliamilliamilliatrecentretriginmilliamilliatrecentretriginmilliatrecenduotrigintillion


Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Scientific notation \(1\times10^{1\,000\,000\,000\,000\,000}\)
Arrow notation \(10\uparrow10\uparrow15\)
Down-arrow notation \(10\downarrow\downarrow16\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation 12[3][3] 13[3][3]
Copy notation 9[9[15]] 1[10[8]]
Chained arrow notation \(10→(10→15)\)
H* function H(333H(3)) H(334H(3))
Taro's multivariable Ackermann function A(3,A(3,48)) A(3,A(3,49))
Pound-Star Notation #*((1))*(38)*4 #*((1))*(39)*4
BEAF {10,{10,15}}
Bird's array notation {10,{10,15}}
Hyper-E notation E15#2
Bashicu matrix system (0)(1)[6] (0)(1)[7]
Hyperfactorial array notation (16!)! (17!)!
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_2(f_2(46))\) \(f_2(f_2(47))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^22}(46)\) \(H_{\omega^22}(47)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega+5}}}(10)\)


  1. Yottatron's custom huge numbers [dead link]
  2. Conway and Guy (1995) "The book of Numbers" Copernicus. pp.14-15.
  3. Fish Illion name of 10^10^x in Conway-Wechsler system 2021-12-25

See also[]
