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One day, while sitting around, and fighting dragons, and also making millions of dollars, and also I cannot remember the circumstances at all, I suddenly felt the need to extend upon ExE.  The way I did it was kinda weird though--instead of using the arrays of hyperions, I felt like going a different way, and nested the brackets instead.  So I thought--why not have the blasphemorgulus look like E100#{ {1} }#100, as Cookiefonster uses, rather than E100{#,#,1,2}100?  This doesn't allow greater extensibility, but it provides extensibility in a different direction.  I then thought of having E100#{ {2} }#100 (which I called increhensulus) be equal to E100{ {1{ {1{ {...{ {1} }...} }1} }1} }#100 with 199 ones.

This posed an obvious continuation---

E100#{ {3} }#100=trikensulus

E100#{ {4} }#100=quakensulus

E100#{ {#} }#100=godsgensulus

also, E100#{ {n} }#100=E100#{ {#} }#n... and so on, with the rest of the hyperoperators acting on the hyperions.

But eventually, these braces get hard to write out, so I decided to use E100#[1]#n as E100#{{{{{{{...{{{{#}}}}...}}}}}}}#100, with n pairs of braces.  This seems to get up to φ(ω,0,0,0). I also quickly noticed that this was kind of like the "fourth level" of ExE---multiple hyperions were the first level, hyperoperations on the hyperions were the second level, the braces (extended hyperoperators) were the third, and these brackets were the fourth.  So if I nested the brackets, that would be a fifth level, right?


E100#[#]_5#100=quingrior (the _5 means a subscripted 5)



But now the subscripts can be diagonalised over: E100#<1>#n=E100#[#]_n#100.  This brings us to the second superlevel of ExE: E100#<#>#100=gabbadon (from googol+abbadon). I think this reaches \theta(\Omega^ω)! But even those angle brackets can be nested:




But what's the third superlevel?  From here, things can be generalized: E100#|2,3|#|2,3|#100 means the third level of the second level of levels (aka the third superlevel).  So we can continue much much faster than before:

E100#|2,3||2,3|#|2,3||2,3|#100 (the |2,3| is still a bracket, and can be nested)

E100#|2,3|#|2,3|_2#100 (the second level of the third superlevel)

E100#|2,4|#|2,4|#100 (the fourth superlevel)

E100#|3,2|#|3,2|#100 (the third level of level--aka hyperlevel)=gannigax

E100#|4,2|#|4,2|#100 (the fourth level of level, aka tetriper-level or 4-level)=gungulum


So I define

E100#|100,2|#|100,2|#100 (which is the hundredth level of level, aka centiper-level, or 100-level) as one stellathromax.  Having something like E100#|#,2|#|#,2|#100 would reach the BHO! If there is some "fatal flaw" with this, please point it out.  Thanks for reading!
