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This is a new notation I came up with that's somewhat similar to Hyper E. It is called Kel's Exploding T Notation.

The rules are:


2. aTb = 10^{10}^{10}^{10}^b

        a tens

3. Tb@c = cTb

4. aTb@c...@y@z = aTb@c...@zTy

5. aTb@@c = aTb@c@c@c@c (c times)

6. aTb(@^c)d = aTb(@^c-1)d(@^c-1)d(@^c-1)d... (d times)


T1 = 10^1 = 10
T2 = 10^2 = 100
T100 = 10^100 = Googol
2T100 = 10^(10^100) = Googolplex
8T100 = (10^^8)^100 = Googoloctiplex
100T100 = (10^^100)^100 = Googolcentiplex

2-entry numbers

T10@2 = 2T10 = 10^10^10 = Trialogue T100@10 = 10T100 = (10^^10)^100 = Googoldeciplex

3 Entry Numbers

T10@2@3 = T10@3T2 = T10@(10^10^10^2) = 10^10^10^2T10 10^^(10^^4)^10 10^^^3

T10@10@100 Googolkel =T10@100T10 =(100T10)T10 =(10^^100^10)T10 =10^^(10^^101+1)

Linear Numbers

T10@2@2@4 = T10@2@4T2 = T10@(4T2)T2 = ((4T2)T2)T10 = ((10^^4^2)T2)T10 = 10^^(10^^(10^^4^2)^2) > 10^^^4

T10@10@10@100 Googolplexkel

T10@10@10@10@10@10 Sexdenalinakel

T10@10@10@10@10@10@10 Septendenalinakel
