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Googology Wiki

The Final Part. Idk if there would be any blog posts after this one, but i am done with this kind of activity, made from creating large numbers. Today we are going to create not an average number. Today, it is time for a transfinite ordinal number. So. First transfinite ordinal is Omega (ω, if you want). It is larger than any natural number and is the first transfinite one. Watch Vsauce's "How to count past infinity" video, if you want to know how numbers after infinite ω are making some sense.

So, if you watched that video at least once, you know that numbers like "ω + 1" or "Gω" have sense. Now we have to use some of the following transfinite stuff:

ε0 = ω^^ω (Epsilon Naught / Epsilon-Zero)

ε1 = ε0^^ω (Epsilon One)

So, ω^^ω is Epsilon Naught. We can extend "epsilons" as far as possible, using this thing:

εn = ε(n - 1)^^ω

My limit of this thing spans somewhere around εεεεεεε.... and so on, without any end. From this point, there are only numbers, coined by me.

ζ0 = εεεεεεε.... (Zeta-Zero). From Zeta-Zero things are getting complicated. We have no visible things to extend Zeta-n system. ζ1 is going to be hard to create. But wait, we can still extend Epsilon system somewhere further.

ζ1 = ζ0^^ω. The problem is that will not change anything. Adding one iteration to infinite iterations changes nothing.

So, i have thinked of this for some time, and began to understand that ζ0 is my current limit, without adding any further numbers and functions that we haven't used yet. I have no idea how to go farther.
