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Googology Wiki

In this post I will give you some examples for the notation I started to develop on my site Endless Possibilities,As well as a suitable/creative name.Some of the names are quite surreal so be prepared.

Starting with the basics:{a}

{100} = one hundred.


{10,100} = 10^100 = one googol. {a,b,c}

{10,10,10} = 10↑(10)10 = 10{10 up arrows}10 = Destratollion.


{3,3,3,3} = tree-beardi

{3,3,3,3,3} = triple-tree Moving on to {K&L}

{6&5} = {5,5,5,5,5,5} = unarypenillion.

{(4&4)&4} = tetragramattonillion.

{((4&4)&4)&4} = hyper-tetragramattonillion.

{100(100)100} = metatronillion.

{25++:(12)} = Reindeer number.

{25**:(12)} = super reindeer number.

{34:↑(1)(29)} = the invincible king of doom.

{5:↑(ω)(6)} = {5:↑(6)(6)} = K-9 mark 2000,000.

I'm not going to go any further along on this blog with the numbers since I haven't explained numbers beyond the {K:↑(ω)(X)} kind. However I will be discussing the reason behind the names of the numbers , as well as give a few suggestions on what I could name this notation.

The reasons the names for the numbers are quite nonsensical is because I wanted to create a truly unorthodox naming system which wasn't restricted to the boundaries of conventional naming trends. When a name comes to me that I like I simply must use it for the obvious reason that it fuels my artistic passion. Because for me Googology and other similar unorthodox subjects are more than just a way of manipulating symbols to great meaningful expressions , they are also a kind of poetry or music.

Now onto possible names for this notation:

Since I like surreal things both real and fictional I was thinking that maybe I could use a very surreal name for my notation.

  1. Dali's net array notation.
  2. Lobster-clam array notation.
  3. fishermans net array notation.

As you can see these 3 names are all linked in their own personal way but personally as a child of Humanity and a father of the stars ( metaphorically not literally) I believe that I should go with Dali's net array notation.

But somehow I think that this is strange enough since it is still grounded in reality, no what I really want out of the name of a number is for it to transcend boundaries and limitations , existing above and beyond the material obsessions of the Homo-Sapien.

I have given my reasons for the name of my notation as well as the names of my examples now I leave it to you.
