Googology Wiki
Googology Wiki

Here are the names of some dash numbers using my ultra repeating dash function


when you insert the numbers 10-10-(s_U-5-5)

into the formula the number you get out is pentacontadeck combining part of the word pentacontagon and dec coming from a word meaning ten.

the next one uses more than 4 numbers in the expression


This number is a lot bigger than the pentacontadeck

I have decided to call this numer to bloontallion a name I just chose because I liked the sound of it.

The last number that will be described in this blog post is the goologillion.

or Googol-Googol-(s_U-Googol-Googol-Googol-...(Googol))

The number of Googol's contained within the brackets is equal to a power tower of Googol's containing 1 Googol Googols.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog goodbye for now I will be back.
